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Closed schools in Inawashiro to become tourist facility, whisky warehouse(猪苗代の廃校が観光施設、ウイスキー倉庫に)

10/07 14:50

The former Higashi Junior High School, where the Samurai Dojo was proposed(サムライ道場が計画されている旧東中)
The former Azuma Junior High School is set to become a whisky aging warehouse.(ウイスキー熟成倉庫として活用予定の旧吾妻中)

 INAWASHIRO, Fukushima - Inawashiro municipality announced on Sept. 12 its decision on preferred bidders for repurposing two schools in the town which closed due to school consolidation.
 The bidders are a group of corporations including DMC aizu Co. an operator of Inawashiro Ski Resort, which made a bid to reuse the former Higashi Junior High School, and Tenkyo, a whisky manufacturer in Aizu Wakamatsu, which offered a plan to utilize the former Azuma Junior High School.


 DMC aizu and other companies are planning to transform the school into a themed facility called the Samurai Dojo, where tourists can experience history and traditional culture. In addition to setting up a sales area for local agricultural and specialty products, the group aims to attract a Japanese language school for foreign students.
 Tenkyo’s plan is to use the first floor of the school building along with the former gymnasium as a whisky aging warehouse.


 The company began full-scale whisky production on Sept. 1 as an affiliate of Lion Dor Corp. The distillery is located in the factory of brewery Eisen Shuzo in Bandai, its affiliate company, and the whisky will be aged for 10 years, with the aim of shipping in 2034. 


 The two schools closed in March 2022 following the integration of three of the town's junior high schools, and the municipal government had been soliciting applications from the public for a business to utilize the space since May of this year. The town and two companies will now proceed with discussions and move to conclude their contracts.
 “We hope to secure new employment and invite migration,” said a town official.



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